Shanghai Museum

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Shanghai museum is a museum with big size collections that is very popular with tourists and citizens. It is a treasure house of Chinese culture, also the symbol and a window showing civilizations and culture of Shanghai. It has a unique architectural form of a round top with a square base that symbolizes the ancient Chinese philosophy of universe of a square earth under round sky. The round roof and the arcs forms a skyline of it and shapes the entire building as a piece of bronze art work from ancient china if one views it with a distance. As a first-class comprehensive artistic museum for many years, its rich and high-quality collection of ancient Chinese bronze, ceramics, painting and calligraphy with high reputation world widely. Shanghai Museum also temporarily promotes some special exhibitions, For example “Ancient Egyptian Art Treasures exhibition””Arts and the Empire-Ausur Kingdon Treasures collected by the British Museum” and so on, the significant exhibitions provided good opportunities to Chinese mass audience to enjoy and study the world magnificent achievement of ancient civilization, It extends warm welcome to the visitors from all over the world and citizens

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