In the daytime, the price is CNY 12.00 for the first three kilometers, an additional charge of CNY 2.40 for every succeeding kilometer within 10 kilometers and CNY 3.60 for every succeeding kilometer after 10 kilometers.
From 11:00 PM to 5:00 AM the next morning, the price is CNY 16.00 for the first three kilometers, an additional charge of CNY 3.10 for every succeeding kilometer within 10 kilometers and CNY 4.10 for every succeeding kilometer after 10 kilometers. You can bargain over prices when taking taxis at night.
CNY 2.10 (CNY 3.10 during midnight) will be added for every five minutes of stop time. You don’t have to pay tips in Shanghai.
Major Companies
Among 150 taxi companies there are 4 more popular companies, each has cars in their own colors:
* Dazhong Taxi (Sky Blue): 021-96822
* Qiangsheng Taxi (Orange): 021-62580000
* Jinjiang Taxi(White): 021-64648888
* Bashi Taxi(Green): 021-96840
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